Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Yesterday was a pretty chill day at work.  As it gets closer to flu season, we are beginning to get a little busier each day.  I have been struggling with the territory they gave me because of the vaccine shipping laws, so they ran a report of other states that needed calls to be made and gave me about 500 more accounts.  I was stoked considering the other sales reps only got about 250 each.  I know they are trying to help me because I got a late start in this position, no real training and I still don't have any Customer Service Support.  Is it really that hard to hire a Customer Service Rep or is HR lagging?  Anyhoo, so the majority of this list is New York and let me tell you, yesterday was not fun with making those calls.  Holy Hell!  My Sales Director did give me a nice lead of 600-700 shots for a school in Ohio so that was a nice gift.  I am really loving the job and would love for it to term perm at the end of the contract.  I am working my ass off to show them that I am a hard worker and am much needed on their team.  I can totally come with ideas for us to keep us working during the slow season.  I worked corporate for many years and I know how to play that game and I feel I play it well.  Right now, my focus is selling 125,000 + flue vaccicnations.  Not sure how that is going to pan out but we will see.

Since yesterday I have had a twitch in my left eye and it all started right about the time I saw someone post something about a liar and right away thought it was directed at me.  It is a long story and one I don't feel like sharing because I should really respect the innocent, however, this person that is doing the name calling is so one sided and so full of their perfect self that they are unwilling to listen and understand.  Like the saying says, It is what it is" and I will just have to perform some more Facebook maintenance.  I don't have time for your childish games.  You called me a friend and that is what I was to you.  I did more for you than most of any of the people you call(ed) friends.  Most of which you are no longer friends with, hmmmm, makes me stop and think for a second.

I think I am finally getting my life somewhat back on track and that makes me happy.  Working and paying some bills and getting better sleep at night!  I am working on a plan to get it all straightened out and an already moving forward.  I ditched FIOS and am switching to Direct TV and Time Warner and saving over $60.00 a month AND getting more for my money!  I am turning Dakota's room into a spare room, that way when he wants to sleep over, he has a place and the other two will have a place to kick back and watch TV.  We have always had the kids TV downstairs and it sucks because we are constantly battling with the volume.  If I put them and the cable upstairs, we wont have to fight.  McKenzy has agreed to let me put his TV in that room, since it is HD and I can get an HD box for it and the kids will have a better TV picture than us (until we get our new TV).

I was finally issued my Blackberry at work and I guess i am supposed to feel important.  Little do they know, I was doing everything I could to get away form the Blackberry phones.  As I sit here in our home office, pretending to be important, I can hear it because emails are coming through.  I seriously don't get it, needing the Blackberry lifeline for customers that we sell flew shots to but hey, like I said, I am used to the corporate rig-a-ma-roll and so I know how to play along.

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