Friday, July 8, 2011

I am having one HELL of a day!

This is a shout out to the fucking douche bags that exit Winchester off the 15 South.  I am sure that you see all the cars that are patiently waiting to exit the freeway via the ONE lane that exits the freeway.  I am sure you know that you are being a complete prick by whizzing by all of us and then swooping in a the very last minute.  Not only is it rude and inconsiderate but it is also very dangerous and puts the rest of us in harms way.  All because you are too fucking impatient to wait like the rest of us.  You should, just once, sit and wait and you will see that it does not take that long to get off the freeway.  What does slow us down is people like you prying your way in or sitting in the middle of freeway traffic inching your way in because someone like me refuses to let you in.  if you are running late for work, then get your fat lazy ass out of bed 10 minutes earlier.  You think you are funny and I think you are an asshole and you severely piss me off!
Another shout out to the SUV that decided to drive on the wrong side of the road in order to get around a few cars and nearly hit me head on.  WHAT THE FUCK WERE YOU THINKING?  Oh right, you weren’t.  You very well could have made it so three young men were without their mother.
And last but certainly not least; Hey Dude at work!  I don’t care that my shoes are “illegal!”  I guess I missed that part of the orientation or possibly I just was not paying attention and really did not care.  Shoes are shoes and I am certainly not going to be going out in the warehouse and I don’t foresee any of my coworkers running over my foot with a chair.  I typically don’t buy shoes with safety straps and I am sure my husband will be glad to hear that none of my shoes at home are legal!

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