Tuesday, July 12, 2011

I know you are, but what am I??

My mom taught me that if I can’t say anything nice, then don’t say anything at all.  Sorry mom.  Some things were just meant to be said.  I figure not everyone, hardly anyone, really no one reads my boring blog, except my husband because I think he thinks that I am telling juicy secrets or something.  That’s the blog I don’t share with him J  Anyway, I figure I should be allowed to share my feelings through my blog seeing that everyone else is so damn comfortable sharing their shit on Facebook.

It cracks me up when people use Facebook to hide behind.  Like it is some magical shield that is going to protect you from the big bad world.  Good luck with that!  Let’s compose the most vague Facebook status we can, that everyone will know is being directed at someone, but no one will know who because you were too chicken shit to include their name.  Yes, that is very mature.  The older I get, the less I care what people think about me.  However, there are some people that do care and might lose sleep over it so it might benefit other people if they knew who you were talking about. 

The people that build themselves up as such strong people are the ones that are always hiding their shit behind Facebook, calling out for the attention they never got as a child or maybe still don’t as an adult.  NEWS FLASH: Contrary to what you think, it is NOT all about you!

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