Friday, July 15, 2011

One less friend

Almost 2 years ago when Danny and I moved to the South side of the lake, we had to find a place closer where we could go and have a few beers.  The place we were going to, and loved, was just too far to have a few drinks and then drive home.

Not too far from the new house was a bar called Law's Roadhouse.  First impressions would lead you to NOT want to go in there, and that is exactly how I felt.  Looked like a dirty, old, run down biker bar.  I am asking everyone not to take offense to what I have to share.  It was definitely not the type of place I wanted to be hanging out. 

One night, Danny talks me into going.  I was reluctant and scared to say the least.  We go in and you can tell that people knew we were new there because all heads turn when you walk in that place.  I had this queesy feeling in my stomach and I was not liking it.  I decided to take matters into my own  hands and walked up to the bar, looked at the bartender and said, "I am new in here and you have to be nice to me!"  She was caught off guard but kind of giggled and said, "Dont give me a reason not to be nice to you and it will all be fine!"  Ok, great, we both knew where we stood and it is history from there.

I actually became friends with that bartender.  We would meet up for lunch, we would run around all day shopping and running errands.  She had my family over for BBQ's at her house, I got to meet her family and last but not least, I got to meet the man of her dreams.  The man that would do anything for anyone.  I was so excited, I found a friend close to home that was as genuine as I and we got along great!  We are both non bullshit type of people and that was awesome.

We began to grow closer together and when she moved to Mission Viejo she was still working out here at the bar and so she had stayed with us a couple times.  One of the most memorable times was her last night at work when we had to call a back up bartender and escort her out of the bar after her like 9th shot.  Those counted were the only ones we knew of, there very well could have been more.  We brought her to our house, I made her Top Ramen which she bitched about but that is ok, I dont really like cooking and I really dont like it at 12 in the morning. I got her undressed and ready for bed and put her to bed.  That was a truly fun night!  I got to see her have a good time, which was rare because she was always working.

We were close enough that she would call me and share with me her family drama and I would also share my family drama with her.  I was well aware of most of what was going on.  She came to my house one day after she had gone to see her sister when she thought her sister was in need of her help.  (this is the watered down version to protect those that were involved) We sat and talked and she felt better, at least enough to drive back over the hill to go home.  She did what she could for her sister, however, her sister is an adult and is making her own choices in life.

Fast forward to last weekend.  Our friend Josh, who drives a truck across the Country, was home and wanted to spend the day out on the lake.  We packed up, headed over and got our stuff on the boat.  Shaun (Josh's brother) had a friend going with us as well.  Shaun and his friend headed out for sandwiches, ice and whatever else we needed and we headed to the launch.  We met up with Shaun and said friend, launched the boat and we were on our way.  We headed to the cove to drop our stuff off so Danny and josh could head over to another launch to pick up Tiffany and Bryan, who met us out there for the day.  They get back and we all begin to enjoy the day and the company of each other.

About an hour or so later, Shaun's friend mentions that his girlfriend is at one of the docks and ready to be picked up.  Josh and them head out to get her and are back to finish the day.  I am in the water hanging with Tiffany and Bryan, Danny is on shore resting in a chair.  The girlfriend recognizes Tiffany and Bryan and mentions that they know her sister.  The minute I heard that, I began to feel sick, dizzy and I started to see stars.  I know that seems like an exaggeration but that is pretty close to how I felt once I realized who the girlfriend is.  She is the sister of my bartender friend, the one that has confided in me and told me everything.  I quietly excused myself from the water and went to share with Danny, what had just happened.  He was like "STFU!"  I was not sure what to do at the point.  We were at the lake and I was there to enjoy my day so that is what I did.  I kept a safe distance and did not get too involved with conversations, except for when the girlfriends asked how her sister was and that is when I knew she had figured it all out as well.  I politely replied and let her know that her sister was doing very well and very busy with school.  That was that.

The day at the lake has ended and we all pack up and head out.  The events of the day are still severely bothering me and I am not really sure how to digest it all.  Once thing I had decided was that I needed to let my friend know.  I could have not said a word and she might not have heard anything, but being the friend that I am, I felt I needed to tell her before she heard from someone else and then I was suddenly the bad person for not being honest and telling her myself.  Because we are still unpacking the boat and whatever else is going on, I send her a text and I tell her, "dont call me, we can talk later, but I need to let you know that I was out at the lake and your sister and her boyfriend were there because of a mutual friend."  She IMMEDIATELY calls Danny's phone.  He is trying to discreatly have a converation with her and explain what happened.  She gets pissed and hangs up.  I decide that this needs to be handled and so I walk away and I call her.  She of course doesnt answer.  I have no choice but to text her, which is very childish in this type of scenario, but I had not other choice.  I text and explain how everything went down and why I did what I did by telling her and so on.  She replies back and says "not mad."  We all knew she was, but I did what I could.  

The work week begins and I tend to check Facebook periodically to see what happening and I see some post form her about some people should be ashamed of the lies they tell.  I think wow, she is talking about me, rude.  But then I recall that she will sometimes put stuff like that out there and it pertains to someone else.  Well, I thought that until another one of my friends was thinking that it was pointed at me as well.  GREAT!  I let it go whatever, I wrote a small blog about people using Facebook to call people out but are not brave enough to put names!  That was that.  Then last night I notice something about finding out who your real friends are.  REALLY???  I was that real friend, I was that person who let you cry on my shoulder, my husband was that person that taught you how to say "I love you" to your dad.  We were your real friends, you on the other hand are the one with the issues.  It seems that when you let someone get close to you, you need to find a way to push them back and I guess this was your way.  Fine.  I can deal with that.  

I am one friend less on Facebook and I am moving on.  On to new chapters in my life and new friends.  I want friends that will sit and talk about a problem and not turn the other way and then proceed to talk shit via social media.  It is time to grow up and act like the adults we are.

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