Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Breaking the Law - Breaking the Law

I have been pretty good about obeying the law.  I had one speeding ticket in my teen years and have managed to avoid being issued anymore since.  I do my best to be a law abiding citizen and try to teach my boys the same.  [On a side note: It seems that one of them is law learning challenged!]  If I were to ever get caught breaking any laws, it would be a moving violation of some kind.  I will keep to myself as far as what I feel I would be busted for, because I don’t need ya’ll judging me.  I and my family do enough judging for all y’alls!  Who ever thunk that I would be breaking the law at work!  You heard me correctly!  It appears that either I was not paying attention or HR did not cover this section of the employee rule book.  My shoes are what are breaking the law and they are not even tennis shoes.  It seems that we as adults, must wear sandals with training wheels.  All sandals must have a heel strap.  That is the most bizarre work rule ever.  No tennis shoes and so on.  Never have I ever been told that I must have a heel strap.  So, now I have about 3 pairs of shoes that are legal, none of which are open toed/sandals and it is summer time.  Looks like I will be sneaking out to buy just a couple cheap pairs that I can wear and not be afraid of getting in trouble.

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