Wednesday, July 6, 2011

I had every intent of getting up at 4 am, well my alarm was set for 4 am so I might have rolled out around 4:30 or so, and getting on the treadmill.  However, I guess because I woke Bailey up early yesterday to handle the trash cans, he felt the need to play PS3 at mid-night.  Usually that would not be a  problem, except that my room is right above the living room where the TV and game system are located and it sounded like the Korean war was happening in the downstairs of my house.  The bass is set so high that even if you turn down the volume, my bed still vibrates.  Which, I know I should not complain about a vibrating bed, but it is annoying.  After texting him and asking him to turn down and realizing that I was being ignored, I had to get out of bed and go downstairs and tell him to turn down.  It was silent for oh about 4-5 minutes and then the Korean war broke out again.  I know I told him I was going to throw the PS3 in the trash, but it is new and that would be a waste of money and I am sure it would piss off Danny.  I finally gave up and put in my ear plugs.  That helped and I think I was back to sleep by 2 am.  There was no way in hell I was going to get up at 4 am to work out after the night I had, so when Danny said goodbye, I rolled over and switched to alarm #2 which was set to go off at 6:10 am.  I have come to the conclusion that our TV needs an after 10 pm setting, so that when I go to bed, I don’t have to deal with this crap.  It hasn’t been the first time and I know it won’t be the last.  For some reason the kids think it is a joke when I ask them to turn down the TV.  They seem to think that I am here to make their life a living hell and so I think they are trying to do the same with me.
Danny and I work very hard to give them the essentials that are required to survive and when we can we will buy them the things they want.  We have had a rough couple years and went into survival mode for a while and are now getting back on our feet and things are slowly getting back to normal.  I don’t know if this rings true for other kids, but mine don’t understand survival mode and are constantly barking about how we don’t have anything “good” to eat and “can I have a couple bucks” because they want to go to the corner store and buy a soda and a bag of chips.  I bet if I added all the money that I have just handed out and transferred to their ATM cards, I would be shocked.  I am going to sit down with them and let them know the plan I have come up with as far as allowance and spending money.  I am sure that will just make me ever more of a bad mom to them, but they need to snap back to reality.  I can’t handle the attitude I get when I ask that something be done, it ruins my day.  I don’t like the shitty looks I get when I tell them that I am cooking dinner and NO we cannot go out and eat, and LORDY LORDY when I don’t want to play taxi, their world is crashing down around them.
All I ask is that they do the chores that we have on the list, everyday without being told and if you see something out of place, PICK IT UP and put it where it goes.  Instead, it is the finger pointing blame making game that I get and again, it gets old, ruins my day and just plan makes me pissed. 
Laying down new rules with them will be rough and I am not looking forward to it, but it needs to be done.

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