Thursday, July 14, 2011

A letter to my kids.....

To My Dearest Sons,

You should know that I love you all dearly and would walk to the ends of the Earth for you.  I know that I have not been able to give you everything that you dream of having, however, Dad and I do our best to give you what we can and what we feel you deserve.  We don’t ask for a lot in return.  We do ask that you help out around the house, keep your rooms clean and pick up after yourselves.  Lately it seems that you are too busy to do any of these. 

Mckenzy, your room is so bad that I can hardly walk in there to open your bedroom window.  When I do try and walk in there, I end up stepping on toys, clothes and small electronic items.  Your bed has not been made in MONTHS.  I understand I took the sheets off to wash, but you could find the sheets and put them back on.  I am sure you friends love coming over for a sleep over and seeing your room like this!  I would be embarrassed.  Maybe you are and maybe that is why you are never home.  I understand you have quite a busy social life, but you are leaving Bailey to handle the backyard and household chores on his own.  To me that is not very fair and he must feel the same way because he has been a real pain in the butt lately.

Bailey, your room is not as bad, however, I do believe your closet could be better cleaned and organized and I am sure your bedding needs to be washed or sanitized.  You are very capable of taking your sheets and blankets to the laundry and getting them washed and dried.  You somehow manage to get clothes washed when you are going out for a night on the town.  When we don’t have the A/C on, I would like to see you open your window and let some fresh air in there.

Dakota, it has been a while since we have been asking you to help us with Lady.  I finally realized that this might be too much to ask of you and I completely understand, however, I would have expected you to come to us or your dad and to let us know.  I have since called your dad and asked that he work it out because I just think it is too much of a responsibility for you.  I of course have been put on the back burner and have not heard back from him.  Not that it makes it ok, but I am used to this.  I would like to see you spending more time with your brothers, and that includes Mac.  They need their older brother as a role model and mentor and think it would make a big difference with Bailey and his attitude.  He probably feels like you abandoned him.  I know you are older now and like being out on your own and doing your own thing, but I think Bailey would be less complicated if he had more time with you.

The house does not take care of itself.  Dad and I work very hard to keep the gas, electricity, water ,cell phones, TV and internet going.  We try and keep the fridge and pantry full, even if you don’t agree with our food selection.  We buy you clothes, shoes, bikes, scooters and items needed for school.  We take you to the doctor when it is necessary.  I personally drive you both around town without as much as a thank you or I love you.  I didn’t mind it in the beginning but now it really bothers me that it is just assumed that if you get a ride somewhere, I will be there to pick you up in a few hours or vice versa.  There is ZERO communication that goes on in our house.  This is why you have cell phones, so we can all stay in touch and communicate.  If you are leaving the house, you are to text me.  If you are leaving one friends house to go to another friends house, you are to text me.  If I text you, I EXPECT a response, even if you just type “ok.”  I began to teach you manners and respect when you were very young and I continue to teach and remind even as you all grow older.  I want to be treated with the respect that I have taught you.  It is the least I deserve.  I need help around the house.  I need to know that when I leave for work, the dogs will be fed, the dishes will be washed and put away, the upstairs bathroom should be kept clean as well as the down stairs bathroom.  It never hurts to pick up a broom and sweep the kitchen or vacuum the very small amount of carpet that we have.  There are so many little things that everyone takes for granted because I get up early on the weekends and try to get it done before everyone gets  up.  I am often doing laundry at 4 am during the week because that is the only time I have to really get anything done because my days are already full.

We will all liver happily every after if we just pulled our weight around the house and once in a while helped another person out.  There is nothing wrong with helping out your brothers.  It will make you and him feel better about it in the end.  Trust me!

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