Sunday, July 31, 2011

Non-Official Coaches Meeting 07/28/2011

The beginning of our JAAFC season is quickly approaching and we are all more than excited.  Our coaches are all returning from last year except for one who is new this year and so we thought it would be a good idea to get together for pizza and beer and give him the chance to get to know us off the field.  The coaches decided to meet for pizza and beer at My Buddies Pizza and I decided that I would crash their party.  I was the only wife there until a few other decided to call their wives, maybe out of fear that the wives would find out that they could have gone but were not invited or told they could not go.  One other came a little while later, the others declined.  I am never going to miss out on an opportunity to enjoy cold beer and good food!

At some point Danny ended up with a chunk of pizza in his beer and embraced it and drank all of his beer including the chunk of pizza that had fallen in there.


That is Coach Flores’ brother that you see peering through the glass.

 We all had a really great time and Coach Shawn was able to get to know us and our personality off the field which will help on Monday when hell week starts.

From left to right we have Head Coach George, Coach Shawn, Coach Danny, Coach Flores and Coach Tom.  Love these guys; they are a great bunch of dudes that have nothing but the best interest of the kids in mind. Unlike other team coaches, we want to make this a fun and memorable experience for the kids and while winning games is always great, we like to focus on them learning the game and bettering themselves as players.

Three of our returning players; My little McKenzy stud, Danny and Joseph and our famous water girl from last year Jasmine who is also the older sister to Joseph.

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