Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Lunch is over!!!!

By the looks of one of my tires, I decided that I shoudl not go far for lunch even though I had dreams of spending millions of dollars on new clothes.  I went to the corner to Carls Jr, which I know is not the best but it was that or Taco Bell and even though I could stand to lose a few pounds, I am not in the mood to spend the rest of the afternoon on the toilet.  So Carls it was.  I was sitting the the place practically by myself and along comes Mr. Salesman of the year, equipped with bluetooth even.  He decided to sit one table over, which annoyed me.  He could have sat anywhere.  He handled some business which I get because my work cell phone never left my hand the entire time I left the office, just wish he would have sat somewhere else.  Then, in walks the in-bred redneck family of Temecula.  I was not at all sure what to make of them.  There were three, and they were all large.  Not sure if it was mom and her two sons-brothers or brothers-husbands.  It didn't matter.  They had all (my eyes) on them the minute they walked in the door.  They were loud and obnoxious and if that was the mom, she no control over her sons-brothers.  I felt that it was in my own interest to leave.  I did not do my hair today and so I was not prepared to be on an episode of Cops.
Speaking of cops; i am not sure what is going on Temecula but people are getting pulled over left and right.  There are cop cars and motorcycles all over the place.  It actually stopped me from making an illegal U-turn so that I could get back to the office faster.  Instead, I made the left aqnd went down to the next light where U-turns are permissable.
Interesting lunch hour.  Now back to work and then home to rest befor ethis cold compeletly takes over.

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