Friday, August 19, 2011

Dakota is home!

My beloved son Dakota is home…FINALLY!  Although he is 20 (close enough), pretty set in his ways, rude and disrespectful at times and TOTALLY reminds me of his father; I am SUPER happy to have him home.  When he told me that he might be coming home, Danny and I were both very happy.  That was the missing piece to our puzzle.  He is fun to have around and his younger brothers miss him to death.  I envisioned family dinner and movie nights, long talks on the couch, him helping us clean the garage and so on. 

How quickly I was brought back to reality when he stays out late, comes home after we have gone to bed, rarely speaks to us and then this was what I found waiting for me in the laundry room.  I am still VERY happy to have him home!

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