Tuesday, August 16, 2011

I don't need your $.02

I had so many things that I wanted to blog about this morning, however, now that I am at work and the Mike, my cubicle roommate is training his new CSR and she is really annoying.  She obviously knows exactly how to do our job, not her job, our job after three days.  She has told Mike everything wrong that he has done while she has been sitting there and now she is chiming in over my shoulder.  You can add that to my pet peeve list; lurking over my shoulder.  I don’t like it and how am I am supposed to blog and check my personal email if you are always looking at what I am doing?  I need my space.  My CSR has not even come and sit at my desk and we sit on opposite sides of the room!  We work just fine together.  She makes her calls and emails me if she finds a warm lead.  Perfect.  Anything else and she goes to the Lead CSR.  What I don’t need is someone who has been here all of three days, telling me that they don’t like my shpeal and I should change it.  It has been working fine for me and I am getting leads so maybe you need to back off and STFU!


  1. hey, whatcha doin? Ya know.. I think your whole scpeel is wrong; furthermore, not even being in you career field, I feel that I can give great insight to an outside opinion of how you should really be doing you job. What I would not do is take that SH*t. Love, Amber

  2. Thanks Amber. I am pretty good about not taking peoples shit. She is one of those overly chipper and happy people and everything is so damn exciting! I agree that having a positive outlook is best for us and those around us, but damnit, we all have a bad day here and there. Just admit it!
