Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Today I realized how thin the walls are at the nail salon.  I would like to thank who ever it was that use the restroom while I was getting my brows waxed.  Turning on the fan was a really nice gesture, however with the walls as thin as they are, it did not cover the ass blasting Montezuma's revenge that came out of your ass!  The tears running down the side of my face were not from when she was ripping the fine baby hairs that make up my mustache, out of my lip.  It was the sound of the fan trying to quite the ass blaster in the bathroom.  That made my day!

While on the subject of waxing, can I please make a PSA and let all professional waxers that we can tell when you screw up on one of our brows.  The first clue is after you rip the duck tape type material that is adhered to our skin by a hot wax, you suddenly start to mess with one side more than the other.  Typically that means you took too much off.  I said clean them up not make me look like I should be rolling through East LA.  

I have gotten good at getting used to the hot wax that burns my skin as you spread it on my face with a Popsicle stick.  I am even used to when you grab a corner and RIIIIIIIP it off my face.  What I have not been able to get used to is when after waxing, you then pull out the tweasers and begin to pluck the smallest, finest eyebrow hairs that make me want to PUNCH you in the damn face.  But thank you, you did a fine job considering and I am quite pleased because I no longer have a uni-brow.

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