Thursday, June 2, 2011

Yes of course I am awake, except today I wanted to get out of bed.  I knew it was time to get up when I was trying to have a conversation with a dog that was so sound asleep, she was snoring.  FINE, I will let her get her beauty sleep and I will get up and try and remember to do all the things I promised my husband I would do yesterday BEFORE I had my mini meltdown.

Also, I am not sure if I should laugh or be offended when I kissed my husband goodbye this morning and I said "be safe" and he said "you too!!!"  He is the one that drive a windy curvy mountain road to get to work and I rarely leave the house! He knows me all too well!

Thank you to Larry for the "come celebrate Heidi's new job at the bar" text, but I have news for you Larry, THEY HAVE NOT OFFERED IT TO ME YET!!!!  I would like to know that I have it before I start celebrating.  Like you need a reason to go to the bar anyway! LOL.

Today I will further my coupon printing, cutting and organizing.  My darling husband gave me an awesome idea on how to make custom plastic card holder thingys to house my coupons.  I have learned that not all coupons were created equal and because of that I have a hard time getting some of them to fit and so I mentioned it to him and he came up with a brilliant idea which I will try today.

Off to download some music and consume MUCH TOO MUCH coffee!

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