Wednesday, May 4, 2011

How would handle their first fight?

Going back to Tuesday May 3, 2011.  I receive a call from Bailey and he is in the office waiting to see the VP because he was just involved in an altercation and the results just might be a suspension.  I of course flip out on the phone, one because I am close to being let go at work because the boss man is bipolar and keep contradicting everything he has been telling me and two because Bailey just finished a suspension LAST week.

I tell him to text me and let me know what the outcome is and if they suspend him, he is going to have to stay on campus until after school because I cannot leave work to go and get him.

The last 15 minutes of my lunch I receive the call from the VP who is a nut job and begins to go back over something that happened as of the last suspension.  Most of you that know me, know I have a short fuse and the fact that I was on the last 15 minutes of my lunch and going back to a job that brings me to tears, I was NOT happy in that moment.  I quickly reminded him that this was the last suspension and could we please focus on this new suspension and not try and throw Bailey under the bus yet again for something in which he already served his time. So he gets back on track and informs me that Bailey is on vacation for the rest of the week because of the fight at school.  I mentioned to the VP that there are a large number of kids that get bullied everyday at school and if I so much get a hint that this is what is happening to Bailey, I will have his job.  He wasn't too happy with me, just as I am not too happy with that school.  And YES I like to take things to the extreme, especially when they involve my kids!

Dad gets home and wants to know what happened and I didn't have a clue because I never discussed the incident with Bailey, I chalked it up as the kid had it coming to him.

Bailey says that they had just finished PE and was waiting in line for lunch and someone came up to him and alerted him that Caleb  (I think that was his name) was talking crap.  Bailey approached the boy, or should I say walked up and pushed the boy ad the ensued.  The other kid got one shot on Bailey and the fight was broken up.

As a mother, I don't ever want my boy to get into a fight because I want to protect them forever and I never want them to get hurt.  However, I also do not want them t stand around while some puck from the dirty IE starts talking shit on them either.  My kids are better than that and if someone is going to talk shit, well then they are going to get what they deserve!

Dad has his pep talk with Bailey and I had mine.  I told him that the only reason this kid was talking shit is because he is jealous of Bailey!  Plain and simple!

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