Friday, May 27, 2011

Holy Crap, The Kids Are Out Of School

Today was the last day of school for my kids.  I woke up on the wrong side of the bed, for many reason, but none that I care to talk about.  Knowing my son Bailey, I asked him if he wanted to ditch the last day of school and HOLY SHIT BATMAN, to my surprise, he waned to go to school!  I had to take his temperature four times just to make sure that he was not coming down with something.  McKenzy on the other hand is my social butterfly and I knew he would never want to miss the last day.  Well fine, I tried to be nice for once.  Off to school they go.

I then sat on my ass waiting for my phone to ring because today was my phone interview with the unemployment office.  Finally that call came and I chatted with the dude, he said that was all the info he needed and now he is waiting for the employer to call him back to get their side as to why I was let go.  GREAT, so my unemployment benefits lie in the hands of an egotistical pompous BASTARD!  So help me that if I receive a benefits denial letter, I will need someone to put me in a straight jacket.

After the call, I then had to start with the picking up of the kids from school, since today was early release.  I drive to one end of the lake to get Bailey, stop at Costco to get gas ($4.09 for premium) then head back to the other end to pick up McKenzy.  I always hate going to Mckenzy's school because there is this man that suffers from little man syndrome that tries to help with the flow of traffic in the parking lot and all he really does is PISS people off.  There is no easy way to get in or out of that place and he just makes it more difficult with those stupid cones and that F'ing whistle!

We are back at home and the kids of course are as ready as ever, to get their weekend started and well, sorry, mom has to shower and prepare for a job interview.  Yes, I agreed to a job interview at 3pm on the Friday before a long weekend!  Who the hell was I trying to kid?  Whatever, mom should be working and this is the company that I want to work for.  Well actually I have said that about all the companies I have worked for, but I really want to work for this one.  The interview went well, of course I said that the last time I interviewed there, but they did call me back for this temp position that they are hiring for so that must be good.  The freeway was NOT moving when I left so I took streets home, from Temecula, which really isnt that bad, it is just a pain in the ass with all the stop lights.

Here I sit, all alone, waiting on my darling Danny to get home.  He has been working some long hours and so I know that he is going to want to have a beer and some dinner when he gets home, so that means we will be heading to our home away from home, LaZey J's.  That place is an odd place so I am hoping to come home with some good pics!

Tomorrow I want to write a piece about depression, I just need to find my Zen place, go there and get all these thoughts out of my head.  No, I am not depressed, well I might be, but that's not why I want to write about depression.

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