Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Today is day two of staying home, being a SAHM (stay @ home mom) and well today was better than yesterday.  Yesterday was weird and I just couldn't get into the swing of things.  I did virtually nothing other than go tan and then hit the grocery store on the way home (and I only did that so I could say I accomplished something).

Today I have managed to shower, brush my teeth, wash a few loads of laundry, do the dishes and clean the kitchen, sweep/dust/mop all the floors downstairs and get caught up on a few personal things.  I almost feel like I can conquer anything now.  Tomorrow I will aim for putting on real shoes and not living in my slippers.

I partially blame my kids for my mood swings.  I can wake up in a good mood and then the minute I hit their bedrooms doors to wake them up, it is as if I have crossed paths with Satan.  They are whiny, grouchy and much too needy in the mornings.  They are old enough that they should know before they go to bed, if they have clothes to wear the next day.  I don't care if you only have one pair of pants that are cool enough to wear because you have about five pairs hanging in your closet.  If I don't keep up with the fashion trends, then why I should I care to help you keep up with them?  Jeans are jeans.  Levis never go out of style yet you won't wear them because they are too baggy, not the right color, on sale or not purchased from the store of your choice.  I have news for you, you will wear what you have until you can no longer fit into them!

The only thing I ever hear out of their mouths is bitching and complaining.  We never have soda in the house and so they complain about that.  We don't eat out often enough so they complain about that.  I cook them home cooked meals and they complain about that.  The list goes on and on.  When will they understand that it is not all about them and there are other priorities that parents have to deal with?

My kids are awesome and I wouldn't change a thing.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like things I will have to deal with in the future.
    I don't think they will realize all you do for them until they are in their 30's or have their own kids-that is when I realized it more.
