Thursday, May 19, 2011

A Day of Recovering

Today was supposed to go in for my B12 shot, hit the tanning salon and then it was back to the books to get caught up on my school work.

Instead I spent the day in bed, drinking water and eating saltine crackers.  The flu you ask??  I wish I could say I had the flu.  Instead, I had a rough night.  I started drinking red wine while I was waiting for Danny to come home and while I was cooking dinner (frozen pizza).  Needless to say, I had several glasses of wine.

Upon arriving home, Danny announced that he wanted to go to the bar and have a pitcher of beer and see some people we have not seen in a while.  Sounded like a great idea to me...NOT.  Two pitchers of beer and two shots of Jager later, I was DONE.  D-O-N-E.  I paid the price last night and all day today!

I thought I had learned the lesson not to mix beer and wine and yet I still find myself making that stupid mistake.  I dont do it often but when I do, I sure make up for lost time!

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