Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Today I realized how thin the walls are at the nail salon.  I would like to thank who ever it was that use the restroom while I was getting my brows waxed.  Turning on the fan was a really nice gesture, however with the walls as thin as they are, it did not cover the ass blasting Montezuma's revenge that came out of your ass!  The tears running down the side of my face were not from when she was ripping the fine baby hairs that make up my mustache, out of my lip.  It was the sound of the fan trying to quite the ass blaster in the bathroom.  That made my day!

While on the subject of waxing, can I please make a PSA and let all professional waxers that we can tell when you screw up on one of our brows.  The first clue is after you rip the duck tape type material that is adhered to our skin by a hot wax, you suddenly start to mess with one side more than the other.  Typically that means you took too much off.  I said clean them up not make me look like I should be rolling through East LA.  

I have gotten good at getting used to the hot wax that burns my skin as you spread it on my face with a Popsicle stick.  I am even used to when you grab a corner and RIIIIIIIP it off my face.  What I have not been able to get used to is when after waxing, you then pull out the tweasers and begin to pluck the smallest, finest eyebrow hairs that make me want to PUNCH you in the damn face.  But thank you, you did a fine job considering and I am quite pleased because I no longer have a uni-brow.

Do you know who I am??

As I sit here for 8 hours making calls to employer groups and trying to sell them our flu shot clinic services, I crack up when I am lucky enough to speak with someone who feels they are too good for a flu shot or just feel the need to point out who they are or what their title is.
The other day I called an attorney's office and had reached one of the attorney's and after I explained who I am and why I was calling, he says "I am a lawyer!"  Well golly gee willikers, today must be my lucky day seeing that I am speaking with a lawyer (and at no cost to me to-boot).  Honestly I don't care what your title is, all I care is that you are interested in hosting a flu shot clinic for your employees so that I can make a little commission on the deal!  Believe it or not, lawyers have been know to contract the flu!
Today I called the State of Iowa, again more people I presume that could contract the flu.  The gal answers the phone "Governors Office."  Me being as smart as I am, figured that I was calling the Governors office.  I explained to the gal who I am and why I am calling and she replies with "This is the Governors office!"  Ok, great, fantastic! Thanks for pointing that out.  Now are you guys planning on offering flu shots to the employees this year?  She says "Well do you normally work with offices of such high magnitude like the Governors office?"  Um, well has anyone there at the Governors office had the flu or have they had the flu shot?  Yes.  Well then yes we do work with offices of such high magnitude such as yours!
Seriously people????  Everyone has the chance to catch the flu and everyone should consider getting vaccinated for it.  I don't care who you are and I really don't need you telling me who you are.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

I love flying by the seat of my pants, it makes my days so much more interesting.  I also like learning as I go, it seems to stay with me better than if I sit in long boring classes where everything is being thrown at me all at once.  However, when it involves flu and other important vaccines as well as wellness clinics for employer groups, it might be a good idea to get the basics down or at least on a piece of paper that I can use as a cheat sheet.  It seems that so many people do the same task so many different ways and so I chose one persons way and I was just informed that it was the wrong way.  Of course it is.  I seem to do everything the wrong way and I tend to learn everything the hard way.  I am not mad, I think it is comical that after just 2 ½ weeks I was promoted to the position I had originally interviewed for, received a $4 an hour raise and was trusted to just learn what to do on my own!  It certainly keeps me on my toes. 

I am going to keep on trucking, I now have 4 opportunities and 2 of them called me back!

You would think I would learn my lesson from yesterday and being late to work, but noooo.  Here I sit on the computer waiting for the last minute to leave.  Actually I am waiting for my clothes to dry because my husband is such a social butterfly, I dont have time to do laundry at night and am forced to do it in the morning!

Just another manic Monday

My week has started off with a BANG.  I did the right thing this morning by helping Mckenzy make his own breakfast only to get in my car and find out that the gas I had in there had evaporated and I had 10 miles until I was going to run out of gas.  Work is slightly more than 10 miles away and I was not about to push it.  I stopped and put in about 5 gallons and got back on the road.  The Winchester exit off the 15 has always been my worst nightmare, but since working 8:30 – 5:00 pm it has not been that bad.  Of course the one day that I had to make an unexpected stop, a trash truck decided to break down right at the top of the exit and so getting off the freeway was a pain in the ass.  I ended up being 15 minutes late because I also had a fight with the time an attendance program on my PC and finally gave up and had to run to the lunch room to clock in.  I didn’t let the morning ruin my day!  I have a smile on my face and am still very grateful to have this job and this awesome learning opportunity!
My commute home was not any better.  It took me over a half hour to get home because it took 15 minutes just to get on the freeway!  Why in Mondays?

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Day 2 on the job

Trying out the mobile app for blogging. I apologize now for typos or poor grammar.

My second day on the job went very well, just as good as the first.

Today I was set up with a desk, computer and phone. Granted these are the basic necessities in an office job however I have found that this is a very difficult task for most companies. I am very impressed with the equipment which they have set me up with. The monitor could be bigger but the phone is high tech and my headset is even more high tech and ahem cordless. One day I will have to see how far I can walk with it and see if I can conduct business from the women's bathroom. Oh ya that is a goal of mine.

I am getting myself organized and listening to calls with a few of the more senior people and hope to be making my own calls soon. It is rocket science.

Already been invited to my first company event; the company picnic is in July.

Having fun and making friends.

First day of work, yet again!

Yesterday (June 6, 2011) was my first day on the new job.  I went in tired and a little apprehensive due to the horrible experience I had during the last "job."  I must say, I was shocked by the second hour of my shift.  People were nice, welcoming and eager to talk to me! The best part yet is that they have a business casual dress code and jeans are ok!  A gal that works on the same team as me has a tattoo on her that was was visible AND everyone had their cell phones out on their desks!  I plan to keep my phone tucked away during training and will check it periodically through out the day!  I have a feeling that this is the job that I am going to fall in love with and it is the temporary job!

It is in Temecula, right off of Winchester, so it is close to home and easy to get to.  I am working the 8-5 shift for the next couple weeks and traffic was light and easy going.  Towards the end of June I will work 7-3:30 with a half hour lunch, which is just perfect for me!  I will have time to run errands on my way and maybe even get my tan on if my membership has not expired!

I am really excited about this opportunity and hope that our group can kick ass and take names so that at the end of the contract, they will see the benefit of our group and what we have accomplished and maybe keep a few of us around.

The only draw back that I can see thus far is that our busy time is flu season and with that comes long days and no time off.  Our holiday schedule is what I would call anorexic.  Basically, if Fed Ex works, we work.  Minus the weekends.  However, if we have to schedule a flu clinic on a Saturday, then we will need to work that Saturday.  My goal is to NOT book a Saturday clinic and keep on top of my shit so I am not working 10 hour days.  Easier said than done, I  know!  Vacations during the holidays will be impossible, even just a long weekend.  I see we get Christmas day off, but not the eve, so the idea of extending any holiday will not be in my immediate future.

However, on a positive note:  I have a job and after day one, I am happy!

Friday, June 3, 2011

I am hoping that I was satisfied with my lazy and unproductive day today because come Monday I will be a working woman again!  Yes, I said working woman.  I received a call from the company in Temecula that they were offering me a spot on their Customer Service team.  I interviewed for the Inside Sales spot, however they felt that with my computer (hardware and software) that I would be a huge help for them on the Customer Service team.  Fine, ok I will take it and so I start Monday.  This will keep me employed through the end of the year and I can get my bills paid off and get my shit together.

Today is my and Danny's 16th wedding anniversary.  It has been an amazing 16 years with LOTS of ups and downs, but we have been able to pull through all the crap that we have been through.  

It has been a boring day and I have nothing funny to share.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

So, McKenzy, my 12 year old has FOUR of his buddies over.  They are all about the same age and have been running from the video games, to the computer room to the TV and so on.  I guess they are too cool for the park and besides the park is boring.  OK, fine I am not having this argument with you.

I go downstairs to finish the dishes that I started this morning oh and to open a bottle of wine.  I believe they were watching the Disney Channel or another channel that is just as annoying.  I am not 100% ob the show they are watching because all their shows SUCK and are super annoying and all look the same to me.  As I am in the kitchen one of the boys says "ya she is hot" and then they all pretty much agree and have some small talk about it.  Then I hear another one of the boys mention that another one of the gals could be "hot if she could shed a few pounds." 

I just about lost my composure and just about peed on the kitchen floor.  I had a few things I was going to do while in the kitchen but decided that it might be best for me if I just take my wine and go upstairs and finish the projects that I started up there.  They obviously need their "boy time: and certainly don't need mom's two cents.  I am after all the one who has to get drunk before I had the "talk" with my kids only to find out they already knew all about it and then some.  


This is going to be a fun night!  They were all messing with the weights and treadmill that we have which obviously NONE of us use and so they "lifted" some weights and then sat down to watch TV and I hear them talking about what will need to happen if one kid gets in a fight with some other random kid and then the one kid says :ya well I don't have any problems starting a fight with a smaller kid, you know someone smaller than me!!"
Yes of course I am awake, except today I wanted to get out of bed.  I knew it was time to get up when I was trying to have a conversation with a dog that was so sound asleep, she was snoring.  FINE, I will let her get her beauty sleep and I will get up and try and remember to do all the things I promised my husband I would do yesterday BEFORE I had my mini meltdown.

Also, I am not sure if I should laugh or be offended when I kissed my husband goodbye this morning and I said "be safe" and he said "you too!!!"  He is the one that drive a windy curvy mountain road to get to work and I rarely leave the house! He knows me all too well!

Thank you to Larry for the "come celebrate Heidi's new job at the bar" text, but I have news for you Larry, THEY HAVE NOT OFFERED IT TO ME YET!!!!  I would like to know that I have it before I start celebrating.  Like you need a reason to go to the bar anyway! LOL.

Today I will further my coupon printing, cutting and organizing.  My darling husband gave me an awesome idea on how to make custom plastic card holder thingys to house my coupons.  I have learned that not all coupons were created equal and because of that I have a hard time getting some of them to fit and so I mentioned it to him and he came up with a brilliant idea which I will try today.

Off to download some music and consume MUCH TOO MUCH coffee!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Extreme Couponing Lessons (Learned)

  1. Always cut your coupons just as quickly as you can. (
  2. Organize them just as quickly if not quicker :)
  3. Never EVER leave the house with your coupons. 

I have spent the past couple of days printing online coupons because I think I forgot to pay for my newspaper subscription and so I have not received a paper in a couple weeks.  This makes me feel sad.  So while I am figuring out the issue with my paper and since I cannot remember to buy it at the store on Sundays, I resorted to printing them.  Lucky for me, we had purchased an efficient printer for the house because I often do quite a bit of printing and the other printers we have were just not cost effective.  So, to answer your questions, no I am not worried about the cost to print these coupons.

What got me today was I had a huge STACK to go through and cut and I really just had a crazy day and did not get through the majority of the stack and so when I ran to the store for cheese and heavy cream, I was not prepared for the clearance bin!!!!!!!!!  Most of you probably don't know this about me, but the first place I head to when I shop is the clearance bin.  Before cutting coupons, this was my way of saving money.  Well then I started learning about coupons and how/when to use them.  I am running through the store because that is how I don't spend extra money.  Well there was a traffic at the back of the store, RIGHT in front of the clearance bins.  I tried not looking but then I noticed that had a cart full of juices that had been marked down.  AND I had coupons for those juices (I think) but they were at home.  I hurry and grab the kids to get them home so I can grab just the coupons I need and get back over there.  Well there was a small snafu with the kids and it took a little longer than I had hoped and so FINALLY I am back at the store, coupons in hand and making a bealine for the clearance bin.  Only to find that EVERYTHING is gone.  Nothing was left.  I was sad, heartbroken and a little pissed.  Danny would blame the kids because of the snafu and I know what he is thinking, but had I left the house WITH my coupons, I would have been able to see if I could score with the coupons and there would not have been a snafu with the kids.  

My life lesson today; if I had my coupons ready to go and in my car, my day would not have been so shitty!

My goal is to get to the couponing point where it is a game and a challenge and no longer a necessity!

Cheers to those that care to read about my crazy life and horrible experiences.  And YES, the wine I am drinking I did get on sale, with a coupon AND a mail in rebate!

Is that a silver lining that I see???

I just had the phone interview that I had been waiting for all morning.  It was actually the second interview to one I had last week with the pharmaceutical company in Temecula that is looking for a temporary Inside Sales person to sell their mobile flu shot clinics nationwide.  I had applied for a position with them a few months ago and while I did not get that job, they did put in a pile of people that were definite call backs for future positions.  This some unfortunately is a temporary one, which will keep me employed through the end of the year.  There is a very small chance that I might be kept on at the end of the project, however, I am living in the moment and not going to get my hopes up.

This will be an awesome opportunity for me and will motivate me to finish my Pharmacy Technician class and who knows, maybe I can apply for a position within their pharmacy that they have there.  You just never know.  Right now I am thankful for the opportunity to interview for an amazing company and I am VERY fortunate to have such amazing friends that gave me stellar reviews when they called my references!  Thank you ladies, I feel like I owe you the world!

Broken Xbox = Kids Ran Away

Our Xbox 360 broke a few weeks before school let out for Summer break and so I have not seen my kids since school let out.  It has been a week.  They will call and beg for money or ask for clean clothes, I simply tell them they have the wrong number and hang up.  KIDDING!  I know they are excited to see their friends but it would be nice to see my own kids once in a while.  I would imagine that they would be home more often if I would get their gaming console fixed or better yet, buy them the one they want, the PS3.  

I am sure they will come home once their friends houses run out of food or the parents just get sick and tired of them being there all the time......

Only time will tell.

To Be Depressed Or Not To Be Depressed

I am usually pissing someone off with the things I say so I figured I would keep the momentum going.  

I don't understand the people who are "depressed" and cannot function without meds.  I have a handful of friends that fall into this category and I just don't understand.  At what point do you say "shit, I think I need some pills to keep my depression at bay?"

I could publish a book on the shit that happened in my life that could or has caused depression moments and they are still happening.  Danny and I don't do anything the right way, rather we do everything the wrong way and learn from that mistake and HOPE that we never do it wrong again.  Basically, we seem to have done things backwards, where we got married and had kids instead of continuing our education and I am not finding myself  going back to school to help further my next career.  Which is another onset of depression.  I had such a great job for 8+ years and then I went and ruined that because I was bored and I wanted something else.  Something better, something fun.  Well since I made that decision, I have not had a steady job.  I have been in and out of unemployment and right now hoping to receive an offer on a temp job that will keep me employed through the end of the year.

As for Danny, he had a great job too, working for the same place I did.  He stayed after I left and was unfortunately laid off for whatever dumb ass reason they gave and was unemployed for two years.  He found another great job that he started about a month ago and so he is happy.  I on the other hand and far from happy and regret a lot of the decisions I have made in the past.

I often don't sleep at night because of all that I have on my mind and often don't want to get out of bed.  With the kids on summer break, I would just stay in bed except that I need to get Peanut outside for her fresh air and her potty breaks.  If it were not for that dog, I might lay in bed all day and feel sorry for myself.  Thanks to Peanut, I have been getting out of bed and doing a few things to try and help reduce the amount of stress that I am under, but my mind often wanders and I start think about all the bad and negative things and then sit and ponder and eventually get myself back to the future and what positive things could happen to make things better.  Well that just takes me back to the depressed stage again.

I must admit that my kids are a lot of what keeps me going.  They need parents that are strong and can handle the goos, bad and ugly and not let all that shit bring them down.  When I start to wonder "WHY" I think of my kids and I tell myself that I have to do it for them.  They deserve better than me to sit and feel sorry for myself all day, they deserve better than mom telling them that they will need to fend for themselves for dinner or do to their own laundry when they don't have any clean clothes.

I was put here to care for them and they were put here to bring me joy.

When the kids are around, I have my game face on and life is great!  They need to know that everything is good!