Monday, September 5, 2011

Wine Tasting with Friends

Sunday was out planned wine tasting trip and it was a blast.  We were there with friends, some old and some new. A few had not been before so that always makes it more fun.

We started the day off with a late start but considering, we were only 20 minutes late to the first winery.  We started at Keyways which is the one that we most recently belonged to, but have since cancelled our membership.  I will always love their wine and I love the decor of the winery.  It has such an awesome welcoming feeling.  It is especially nice during the winter, when they have the fireplace going.  We have never wine tasted on a Sunday so the servers were all folks we had not met before, but there was this one gal that we instantly made friends with and at one point had a conversation about big boobs and Asian nipples.  It was odd but hilarious!

From there we went to Robert Renzoni, which was amazingly cool on the inside and had the cleanest porta-potties I have ever used.  I actually did not mind using it and was even able to wash and dry my hands!  This winery seemed to be full of stuffy people and a chick that someone said had gotten a boob job, yet her boobs were so small; what's the point?

We next headed to Filsinger which is now remodeled and called Danza Del Sol.  We unpacked our lunches and ate at their tables before tasting, it is usually good to eat something after a couple wineries.  There are a few fancy places to eat at some of the wineries which we will eat at occasionally, but sometimes it is nice to pack a lunch.  We typically bring cheese, crackers, breads, olives, fruits and other yummy items.. It is the right amount of food and gets you ready to tackle the rest of the wineries you had planned for.  We tasted at Danza Del Sol and had one more on the list but it was already around 3 pm and usually we stop around 2:30 and a few of our friends had to take off.  We thought about hitting up Bella Vista on the way out, but we were all wine'd out and really looking forward to an ice cold beer.

We hit downtown Temecula on the way home.  We decided to park just anywhere and walk to look for a cold beer.  As we were looking for beer we came across an antique store that Danny wanted to go in.  Lame, but fine I agreed to go in.  What the girls did not know is that Danny can spend HOURS in antique stores.  They learned their lesson. We finally happened upon Temecula Beer & Wine Garden;sounded perfect.  Not sure how many people there drink wine because it was full of bikers, but the beer was cold, well I have had colder but it was hot outside so it tasted good.  WE started to walk back on the opposite side of the street and happened upon Texas Lil's and went in for another cold drink.  I decided that a margarita was in order and boy was I wrong.  The make the WORST Margarita ever!  I drank it and then switched over to a Vodka Monster which was much better but I hate drinking energy drinks.  Melissa ordered the sampler platter and well pretty much devoured that even though I was saying that I was not hungry.  I think it is an unwritten rule that if food is put in front of me, I must eat it!  We finished up outside with our drinks, a smoke and listened to the biker dude talk about buying a house and explain how he is not the condo type.

We made our way back to the car and that concluded our wine tasting trip.

I had every intention of taking photos along the way, but always forget.  I got a couple, but none too exciting.  Enjoy.

I took this picture more as inspiration for Coach Munoz lol

This was Danny being our gay chauffer.  It started as a joke, but I think he liked it entirely too much!

This is Melissa with our Indian (feather, not dot) friend.

And this is our souvenior from Keyways!

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