Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Only in California!

That was by far the MOST interested and frightening trip to an AM-PM I have ever had.  I did NOT put their gas in my car,  but I did stop for a junk food run.  I ate my lunch at the office a little early today and due to some semi disturbing news we received at the office, I knew I was going to need junk food and caffeine. 

I pull into the parking lot and I spot a space right in front, which is really good because normally I have to park on the corner and walk, which is a bit of a hike.  As I am making my way to the open spot, some gal jumps out in front of me to pick up a cigarette from the ground.  Weird.  I park and am getting our of my card and there are a handful of people standing out front of the building smoking.  This is a gas station/mini mart,  that might employ 2 people per shift.  Not like it is an office building that has a large number of employees that would account for the large number of smokers out front.  I notice Richard Ramirez sitting in his van next to my car watching my every move.  I figure there are plenty of lovely folk around that I should be safe.  I enter the mart grab my crap and head to the register.  There is a gal in front of my who is having a full on convo with herself…oh wait, no, she is talking to her Bluetooth.  As I am paying $4.08 for my bag o'junk food, there is a different gal that is walking out the door but stops and says "Hi Ms. Linda"  I look over and she is talking to the mini mart employee.  Cool, they are on a first name basis.  They go back and forth a little and come to find out, the visitor just came in for a cup of ice and to use their microwave!  Wait….what?????????  Stopping in to use the microwave at the AM-PM??  That is just weird.  Sure enough, as I walked by her she had her container of rice that she had heated up and was headed somewhere to eat her lunch.

Keep in mind this all happened in Temecula.  People make fun that I live in Elsinore, but you know what, NEVER have I seen anything like what I have seen today!

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