Thursday, October 6, 2011


Ok I swear that whenever Facebook makes changes, it messes with the security settings and I personally dont even care because I don't have anything to hide.  Well maybe but you only live once and what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.  

I am home alone tonight, well with Bailey, but like I said, home alone and I am browsing Facebook and we all know how one thing leads to another (on Facebook, get you minds out of the gutter) and so I am on some persons page and their kid plays football (but not on our team) and so I was browsing photos and well you look a lot haggard and most importantly you look MUCH better in black and white.  I understand the desire to get married again and at a LATER age, but holy guacamole!  Thanks for the laughs.  I know I will rot in hell for this and not sleep tonight and have painful heartburn, but it was worth it.  

Now when we cross paths in the park, I will always laugh.


  1. you need to look in the mirror, now thats funny shit. You are a cry baby and a cow. I am sure many people are thinking the same thing about you. BTW- you look HAGGARD!! Boy did you gain weight. No makes sense now.

  2. People that leave anonymous comments on a blog that I don’t even really use anymore are the COWards. If you have such strong feelings about me why don't you leave your name. You know that I know who you are! You are the COWard! You hide behind the computer leaving anonymous comments thinking that I am as dumb as you and your kids not to know it is you. Don't be a hater because my husband is FAITHFUL to me and actually loves me! Don't be a hater because I am not a TWEAKER and alcoholic! Don't be hater because I have raised well respected kids and mostly importantly, don't hate on me because all these people you call friends, the ones who have nothing nice to about you and continuously talk shit behind your back, they are NOT your friends and never were. They are my friends and think the world of ME! They don’t even mention your name until someone mentions crack or booze. Get out from behind the computer and act like a real woman if that is what you want people to call you!

  3. Waaaaaa! You sound just like a little crybaby. Hahaha! You know it's me bitch. You must be desperate to bring my Awesome kids into it. you must be blind to the rumors about you. At one time I probably would have told you but people talk so much shit behind your back. It's funny to me. Rumor 1- you have herpes of the mouth. Probably from blowing someone with herpes. There are many other rumors too. 2 u are into a little girl on girl action. And I seriously don't know about the whole faithful thing with you and yours. Because rumor has it, there was some other girl that had his attention when you weren't aroundActually, more than 1 girl and many times. Good luck. Glad I could bring a smile to your fat face. So don't judge me. sure I have my own issues and i am not afraid to admit it, but u live in a fucking denial clowd.

  4. Are we 12 and sending a text, because over the age of 25 we actually spell words out. Also, any number under ten is spelled out, sentences do not begin with AND or BECAUSE, we know how to use the space bar, sentences yes even yours should begin with a capital letter, commas are important, and when making a numbered list there is also a proper format. Yes, proper grammar is a must especially when you are attempting to slam somebody. Let's get to that somebody you are slamming shall we? I am not sure what the fuck you are trying to say, because I can barely understand it, but I seriously doubt you can be of any comparison. Regardless of your accusations, which show exactly how white trash you are and I will get to that in a minute, all we see is hard working people, who have raised three boys quite well. I know for a fact they have not couch surfed with their kids, participated in unemployment fraud, or been a part of witness protection. I would be very careful blasting any accusations at this point. Being pissed off and slamming someone on any internet forum is called "cyber bullying". Clearly you have been around the block a few times when it comes to charges of any kind, maybe you should be reminded of things like IP address. Anoynmous and a big mouth is not a good idea, especially when we are committing fraud while in the protection program. I suggest you find something else to do wherever you are that does not involve someone who is aware of exactly who you are, and your unemployment fraud. Surely the witness protection program frowns on illegal activity. This is a very dear friend of mine, and perhaps you haven't experienced true friendship before but let this be a lesson. You are supposed to grow up at some point, and when things do not work out with people you hung out with you move on. Carry a grudge is unhealthy, and dangerous. You my little white trash piece of shit of gone too far.

    I will also be anonymous because I have forwarded your posts, your fraud, and your bullshit to an attorney. Be so very careful.
