Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Public school systems

I feel that we all love the public school systems equally.  I feel the need to challenge them every so often just so remind myself how right I am and how wrong they are.
My latest challenge should be a good one.  I have an email out to the Assistant Principal at the High School and I am hoping that it is well received, but I just never call tell with these lovely people.

Stay tuned for more..................
If I could just put a stupid saying onto a blank t-shirt and make a gazillion dollars.....That would be rad.  I used to compile a list of slogans that I wanted to print on shirts and sell and then we had the idea of a clothing line for a bit and well we never did anything with that either.  A lot of ideas and projects that we start and never complete.

I still want to get the ball rolling with my children's foundation where I can sponsor kids who are not able to play sports due to financial reasons......I thought I was doing well with that and now I feel like I need to start all over!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

A collection or an obsession?

Most everyone knows my love for wine.  The redder the better :-)

Each time we go wine tasting we come home with a few new wine glasses to add yo my COLLECTION, which Danny calls an obsession. They have have special meaning to me one way or another.  The ones on the very top shelf are NEVER used (and not even by my mom lol).  They are from our Sidways wine tasting trip that we took with our friends the Morgan's.  Those glasses mean more to me than life itself.  Kidding, not that much but they mean enough that when I saw my mom using one a while back and I freaked out and made her put it away and use one of my utility wine glasses!

 This is cupboard #1

And this is the over flow cupboard

The sad part is, there are more in the garage that never got  unpacked because Danny said this was too much already.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

How a white girl makes chilequiles

I love to cook up and eat up Mexican food and it was not that long ago that I was introduced to Chilequiles and would like to punch my husband for not telling me about them sooner!

This is how I make them and so damn easy and so damn yummy!

I start with corn tortillas that have been in the fridge for a while and probably should not be used for anything.  Stale tortillas have a purpose!  I grab a few tortillas and my pizza slicer and I cut wedges.

This is my fryer and my best friend.  It has been in the family for a long time and needs to be replaced.  It is also very dirty because we store it on top of the refrigerator.

Mmmmm, frying in hot oil makes everything taste better!

The first batch is one and yes they always come out more done than the rest!

And we are almost done with the chips.....

The rest is SUPER easy!  I use the green enchilada sauce, sprinkle with cheese and serve!

Not sure if this will be tonights dinner or tomorrows, but I can't wait!

I also had to share my white girl way to drink beer...

Sunday Funday...Not so much!

Yesterday was EXHAUSTING.  Up at 6 am and on the road at 7 am to head to Indio.  Mac's game wasn't until 12, however I was asked to fill in as the Athletic Director for the Micro D2 team and their game was at 10.  I was busy ALL day and did not have a chance to even use the bathroom until we got all the way home.  It was fun even though both teams lost.

Today we are chained to the house and I am farting around getting small chores done that I would never really make time for.  So far I have cleaned out the junk drawer and the cupboard below it.  It feels great to throw stuff away.  I wanted to purge way more than I did, however Danny is home and he wants to keep everything.  I normally clean when I am alone and I can toss stuff and usually no one ever knows.  That means we have junk and crap we don't need.  Tomorrow is trash day and I plan on getting as much out to the curb as possible.

Another chore I am looking to complete today is laundry!  I have so much to do and all our bedding needs to be washed.  In between loads I asked Danny if he would look for this trap in the washer that we have read so much about.  Supposedly it is a trap where and crap from the wash gets stuck and will sometimes cause the gross odor that lives in our clean clothes and towels AFTER they have been washed and dried.  This is a huge  drawback on owning the front load washer.  Anyway, he comes into the laundry room and I am moving the towels from the wash and he is trying to open the door to the washer and has NO idea how to open.  How sad is that?  It seems I am the only one that knows how to use the washer and dryer.  I finally had to open the washer door for him because I was tired of watching him suffer.  Come to find out, there is not a trap, but rather there is a pump of some kind that needs to be removed by a professional only.  I am not calling a plumber.  I have Googled and read and I am fine with the weekly cleaning with bleach.  I have also started using vinegar in my loads (which also helps with the softness) and I now keep the washer door open when not in use.  This seems to help and it is all cheap and does not require my washer to be torn apart.

I was not able to sleep in this morning thanks to the pain in my knee from an injury that I suffered on the 4th of July this year and so I am thinking that a nap might me in order.  I love laying on my bed with the window open and watching lame ass TV.  That is a perfect Sunday for me seeing that my team does not play until tomorrow.

Thursday, October 6, 2011


Ok I swear that whenever Facebook makes changes, it messes with the security settings and I personally dont even care because I don't have anything to hide.  Well maybe but you only live once and what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.  

I am home alone tonight, well with Bailey, but like I said, home alone and I am browsing Facebook and we all know how one thing leads to another (on Facebook, get you minds out of the gutter) and so I am on some persons page and their kid plays football (but not on our team) and so I was browsing photos and well you look a lot haggard and most importantly you look MUCH better in black and white.  I understand the desire to get married again and at a LATER age, but holy guacamole!  Thanks for the laughs.  I know I will rot in hell for this and not sleep tonight and have painful heartburn, but it was worth it.  

Now when we cross paths in the park, I will always laugh.

Monday, October 3, 2011

All in all I had an amazing weekend.  I got to spend Friday  night with Dakota and Ally.  Poor Ally got to meet the McDade's; probably should not have sprung them all on her at once (all except Amanda).

Little weird things are going on around the house that are disturbing and I need to try and wrap my heard around it.  It is keeping me up at night and I am NOT sleeping well.