Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Sometimes I wish it were Monday again!

I am thinking about starting a tour bus company and giving people a tour of Ynez Road in Temecula.  I never thought I would have such a great understanding of one road.  I have driven down that road many a times and never really paid close attention to all of the small businesses that are nestled in and around the dealerships.  There is something there for all your needs.  From TIRES to oil changes and a few small eateries.  So if anyone is interested in being one of my first customers, let me know.


I don't know why I let the small things bother, but I put a lot of time and thought into how the kids were going to get to school today and what time I was going to be able to leave the house so that I could make it to the tire place, that opens at 7:30 by the way and not 7:00, early enough so that I had time for them to put on the tires and for me to make it to work somewhat one time.  After driving up and down Ynez for about 20 minutes, I was informed I was not only on the wrong side of the street but I was also on the wrong side of the freeway.  Yay for me, because for anyone who really knows me, knows that one thing I hate the most is being lost. 


I am finally put on the right track and find the tire store in mere minutes.  It was very easy to find, even though I was given directions while steam was pouring out my ears.  Walking in the door is when I noticed that they open at 7:30 and not 7:00 so I was glad that I was running a little later than I had originally wanted.  That you can blame on the complete control I feel I must have over my kids.


I walk in, greet the guy behind the counter and let him know that I am there to see Miguel, that is my tire hook up.  I was informed that Miguel would not be in at least for an hour or more.  I LOST IT.  I told the guy that I was going to kill someone and began to walk out.  He said "but that's ok if you are here to drop something off."  "Nope, I am not dropping anything off, I am fucking going to work!"  "Did you have an appointment or something?"  "FUCK NO, I guess not, peace out!"


If I had ANY tread left on my tires, I would have tried to peel out of the parking lot.


That was the start of my day.  Now I sit here at work, still fuming, starving and in need of some coffee.

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