Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Busy, busy day

Yesterday was such a busy day that I did not even have time to blog.  What is this world coming to?

My mornings always start rough because I have one kid that basically refuses to get up and go to school and the other one is not much of a problem, but then they start to fight and argue and that's when the morning starts to suck.  I am sucking down coffee just so that I can gather my senses and get them to school.  How they find the energy to fight about such no nonsense stuff I have no idea.  According to them, one is fat and the other one is gay.  Whatever.  The brotherly love is there when it is important and when one of them is need of support.  That's all I am concerned about.

Got the kids to school, did a few things online and then got my butt on the treadmill for the SECOND day in a row.  Today I did 30 minutes, so I added 10 more from the day before.  Once done with the treadmill, I went straight to my room and cleaned out my closet.  You can actually see the floor, where as before, not so much!  I don't know how long it will stay that way but for right now I am feeling like I conquered the world!  Ok, well at least I conquered my closet.  Now all I need to do is get the clothes hung up that were recently washed and that is one project I can mark OFF my things to do.  One of the items on my things to do list, is the Tupperware cupboard.  HOLY CRAP.  Beware when you open that thing because something is coming out to get you!

Picked the kids up from school, it was not your normal day because it seems that Bailey is getting bored and so he is letting his teachers know and they are now getting annoyed with him and so I am getting calls from the school to inform me.  Normally I would blame my kids for this, however, this school that he is at this year lacks any sort of organization and guidance and I will so happy when he moves our neighborhood school, Elsinore High!  GO TIGERS.

McKenzy had an awards assembly at school that started at 6 pm and as with most households, my husband works and by the time he got home dinner was ready but we really did not have time to eat.  The assembly started with the school band performing (middle school), they played a handful of songs; a handful too many, we said The Pledge of Allegiance (with the words Under God), the gal that sang The Star-Spangled Banner was adorable and did a fantastic job even though you could tell she was nervous.  FINALLY time for the awards.  McKenzy is in 6th grade so they were first to receive their awards and then we sat, and sat, and sat, and sat......  I was very proud of all the kids, they all worked very hard to earn those awards, even the kid that said he was going to kick my sons ass!  Good job kid with the holier than thou bad attitude!

Ran home, scarfed down dinner then had to head out for a quick "business" meeting.  Yes it involved beer, but we were home by 9.

A very uneventful day, except for the business meeting part, that was hilarious and I wish I could share but I can't right now.

My picture taking skills are rusty and Danny gets embarrassed when I get camera happy so I only took a few photos at the awards assembly.


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