Thursday, December 22, 2011

Friday, December 9, 2011

Robotic Ear

I am not a huge fan of the bluetooth ear pieces but I bought one because I found Jawbone for $20.00 and they had it in PINK.  It sat there on the kitchen counter "charging" because I never used it.  I did not even know how to turn the darn thing on.  Well Danny gave me another instruction lesson last night and let me tell you that I have been using it ALL day today, thanks to EDD.

I am in love with my pink Jawbone but I have had one of the worst days ever!  I just want all this bad stuff to end already.  I want my life back to the way it was.

I consider myself to be a strong person but let me tell you that one person can only handle so much and I think I am at my break point.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Damn Christmas tree

Well I gave in and decorated the Christmas tree today.  I really did not want to, all I wanted was to box it back up and throw it back in the garage or better yet just throw it away completely.  

I am not a huge fan of Christmas.  Mostly because of how commercialized it has become and the expectations that my kids have.  Every year I find myself trying to figure out what I am going to get them and then how I am going to afford it. Three teenage boys is so damn expensive.  They want TV's, gaming consoles, dirt bikes, mountain bikes, you name it they want it and I can't afford it.  It seems that somehow I am out of work every year at Christmas time.

Anyhoo, against my better judgement I decorated the tree and really did it because Dakota had asked that I please not put it away.  I am hoping that he will notice that I decorated it and appreciate it because when McKenzy came home from school today he did not even notice or care.  I bet if I were to put presents under the tree he would have noticed real quick.

Update:  After I made a big fuss about the tree, the kids said it looked nice.  Aly was the only one that said anything about the tree without me having to point it out to her!

"I don't have anything to wear"

And I thought just girls used this excuse.  I actually heard it come out of my sons mouth this morning.  Actually what he said was "I have worn all my clothes already this week."  What he means is that right now he really only has a couple pairs of pants that fit him and he has worn them this week and therefore he has nothing to wear.
These battles are normal and they are exhausting.  I really don't care if you only have two pairs of pants, get up and put them on and get your ass ready for school.  He then commented on being a dirtbag for wearing the pants again.  I told him that jeans are jeans and no one really cares if you wear them more than once in the same week.  I an constantly doing laundry and so lately all of our clothes have been clean and so it is not like he is digging them out of the dirty clothes.
I choose not to fight with the kids and I try not to yell and scream because I have learned that it does not accomplish anything.  
What he doesn't get is that right now I need to curb my spending and focus on a few things that are more important that new clothes.  He knows that I love to shop and if I could, I would run out and buy him all the things he wants.  He on the other hand does not believe me and thinks that for whatever reason, I don't go out and buy him the clothes and things that he needs.  
I am tired of fighting with him and I just want him to wake up one day and whipe the asshole out of his eyes and go back to being the sweet and loving kid he was just less than a year ago.  I lay awake some nights trying to figure out how to bring him back to reality and I just don't know how.
What I have learned is that every morning there will be an excuse and I just need to stay strong and over come that excuse with him and get him moving.  The drawback is that it sets his mood on super asshole for the day and then I have to deal with that.