Friday, April 29, 2011

Friday April 29, 2011

"OMG Mom, it is 6:42"  That's the first thing I heard this morning.  

I was really around 6:20, however after Edison had to cut the power the other day, McKenzy's clock never got set with the correct time.  See if I don't do it then it won't get done.

"Mom have you seen my PE clothes"  My response "No, but they could be int he dryer right now, did you lose them?""If I don't find them NOW, I am going to keep getting non dresses and keep closing points!"  

You would think he would think about this stuff at night when we are all lounging around watching TV and when he is out after school chasing girls.  But nooooooooooo, he has to freak out in the mornings when we don't have time for freak outs.

I am off to finish getting ready for work.  Yes today is Friday however the head of Sales has today off and that means the owner is going to on patrol and spying via the security camera.  Ought to maje for a horrible day!  Cheers to everyone else.

The  panic over the PE clothes was short lived because the darling child realized they are in a plastic grocery bag down stairs in the front room.  Some my refer to my front room as a great room, but not I.  I have kids so nothing in my house is referred to as great!

The THIRD panic of the morning was when I asked McKenzy to bring me his phone because he needs to charge it and well he AGAIN cannot seem to find his charger.  I hear him freaking out in his room, I ask "whats the matter, cant find your phone"  He says "I know its on my bed SOMEWHERE"  This is where I tell him it is time to clean his room.  His room is worse than mine!

He finds his phone however I forgot that it does not like my charger in my room.  It liked the one I had in my car, but that was on loan and I had to send it back.  So he is stuck with a dead battery all weekend until he calls Grandma to tell her to look for his charger.

Some good news:  The owner decided to take his wife golfing this morning so I should have a peaceful day for most of the day.  Thank God for small favors.  I thought this was going to be a great job and then I met the owner and realized he is Bi-Polar.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Friday April 15, 2011

I threw McKenzy's PE clothes in the washer last night and switched them to the dryer this morning so that he would have clean PE clothes for a Friday!  Keep in mind, I don't recall ever washing his PE clothes at all this year.  He takes his shirt and turns it around and says "mom are you SURE you washed this?"  he was referring to the black butt print on the bottom of his shirt from his sitting on the black top.  I first let him know that yes I did wash it and yes I did remember to add soap to the machine and I then let him know that the black top marks are hard to remove and to smell his shirt and that will be proof enough that I washed it.  It was nose tested and approved.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Thursday April 14, 2011

This morning started off on an OK foot. It may have to do with the fact that I handed Bailey $10.00. He had borrowed some money at school and I didn't need Bubba showing up on our doorstep to collect so I gave him the money to pay back his debts. I realize that I should be teaching him a different lesson, but I know how crappy the school food is and that is why he borrows money. He will spend every hard earned penny on food at school because the lunch he gets is gross and nasty and so he will hit up the special foods section where it costs money. I feel his pain so I help out where I can. He made it a point to let me know that he was paying back a few people and not buying dope with the $10.00 because I have been on him about drugs and how he should not get involved in them. We kind of make a joke out of drugs in my house but it is a way to keep it an open topic with the boys.

Today is just another day at the office. I am a cold calling machine and not stopping until I find someone to sell to. I will not take no for an answer. It used to be "mama needs a new pair of shoes!" Now it is "the kids gotta eat!"

Speaking of eating, the menu for today's lunch was left over spaghetti from dinner last night. Not my number one pick for lunch, but hey, it was free and there was quite a bit left over and I hate seeing food go to waste.

Dakota and Karissa are coming over for dinner tonight so there ought to be a lot to write about later.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Wednesday April 13, 2011

I know that I am not the only mom who goes through the things I go through with my kids.

I have been explaining to the boys that with only mom working and Dad on unemployment that money will be tight for a bit and to be patient and we will soon resume our normal lifestyle.

Keep in mind, the normal lifestyle to my kids is going out to eat fast food a couple times a week and handing them $10-$20 when the weekend rolls around so they have spending money. In no way am I eluding to the fact that we live lifestyles of the rich and famous. However, fast food and spending money is what is most important to my kids.

Some of you might be thinking, well my kids want the same thing and I am not making a big deal out of it. The reason I am, is because my kids expect getting everything for nothing in return. When I was home all day and not working I didn’t have any issues with my doing most of the housework. Now that I am back to work full time, I obviously don’t have as much free time to clean all of the house and do all of the laundry. What I didn’t expect was one kid screaming on a Monday morning that he doesn’t have any clean underwear and then freaking out when I told him to find the lesser of the dirty and wear those.

I also didn’t expect this morning when my other son asks "how about he and I hit up the outlet mall this weekend" because he knows that payday is coming up. You see, he needs shoes really bad because the last pair that I bought him were high tops and those are not the best shoes to wear to school and then have to unlace and re-lace for PE. I am asking myself why he had not thought of this when he was begging for these shoes just a few months ago. The same shoes that he offered to give to his Dad. Which I did say I would replace eventually.

I am sorry that the shoes he has in his closet are not good enough for the high school crowd that he hangs out with. What he doesn’t realize and probably wouldn’t care about is that fact that I am wearing the same couple pairs of pants to work because I added a few extra pounds over the winter season. My pants are too tight and my shirts show back fat. I have not gone out and bought any new clothes so why the hell am I going to run out and buy him shoes.

Let me explain why I refuse.

These are the same kids that roll their eyes and huff and puff when I mention on the way to school that I need them to do a few things around the house when they get home from school. They don’t have a great lot of responsibilities, but the few things that I do ask that they help with turns into World War III. When they do finally give in and clean the bathrooms as I have asked, when I get home all I hear is "did you see what a horrible job so and so did on the bathroom", "so and so would not help me clean the bathroom so I had to do it all my self" and so on. This is NOT what I want to hear once I get home from work, especially when I stopped drinking during the week.

I called the darling husband on the way to work while I still had one of the boys in the car and shared with him briefly how ungrateful these kids are. I asked him to create a chore list and we are going to give the chore list another go. Something has to work. I hate battling with the kids when I see one of the bathrooms needs to be whipped down.

With summer right around the corner, I am trying to eat better and reducing my alcohol consumption during the week. This could be some of the reason why my kids think I am crazy and bitchy. Today's menu: One sliced red apple, half turkey sandwich on whole grain bread and yogurt. The other half of the sandwich will be my snack before leaving work. This is a huge change in eating habits and a major decrease in caloric intake. I am sure it is making me a little crazy and bitchy.

My house was peaceful upon arriving home from work and the chores DONE! Yes, DONE, I said! Dad had proudly posted the list of chores that he had created, on the fridge for all to see.

I know the next thing out of their tiny big mouths will be "when and how much are you going to pay us?" Because nothing gets done in my house just for the grace of good. There always has to be a reward of some kind. There is no "in the kindness of their hearts!"

We fed their greedy little mouths and then Dad and I headed out for a beer. The middle one rolled his eyes, because I have been preaching to him about how low on cash we are. There is a reason why I pack my lunch and eat left overs at work. So that I can go out and enjoy a beer with my husband after a long day at work. The kids of course don't get that.